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Waltz Syllabus

10:19 AM BR

Waltz Syllabus


A list of dance steps for Waltz (American Style)



Waltz Syllabus

Bronze Dance Steps

Waltz Syllabus

Silver Dance Steps

Waltz Syllabus

Gold Dance Steps

1A. Box Step
1B. Box Step with Underarm Turn
2. Progressive
3A. Left Turning Box
3B. Right Turning Box
4A. Balance Steps
4B. Balance and Box
5. Simple Twinkle
6. Two Way Underarm Turn
7. Face to Face – Back to Back
8A. Reverse Turn
8B. Reverse Turn with Underarm Turn
9A. Natural Turn
9B. Natural Turn with Underarm Turn
10. Progressive Twinkles
11. Turning Twinkles
12. Grapevine
13. Promenade Chassé
14. Twinkle & Weave*
15. Waterfall
1A. Open Left Box
1B. Open Left Box with Underarm Turn
2. Open Right Turn
3. Open Right Turn with Syncopated   Underarm Turn
4. Twinkle Connection
5. Check & Develope’
6. Flip Flops
7. Progressive Twinkles
8A. Hairpin from Open Left Box
8B. Hairpin from Promenade Position
9. Fallaway & Weave
10. Progressive Shadow Twinkles
11. Oversway
12. Check to Open Fallaway
13. Alternating Underarm Combination
14. Pivots from Promenade
15. Shadow Right Turns
1. Shadow Switching Spirals
2. Hinge to Shadow
3. Shadow Running Telemark
4. Syncopated Pivots
5. Left Side Grapevine & Spiral
6. Contra Check & Ronde
7A. Standing Spin
7B. Standing Spin Alternative Ending
8. Wrap Around & Hairpin
9. Overturned Shadow Right Turns
10. Develope’ & Double Ronde

Dance Steps for Ballroom Dances

10:06 AM BR

Dance Steps Syllabi for Ballroom Dances – American Style


Click on a dance below to view a syllabus of the bronze, silver, and gold-level steps for that dance.

There is no standard naming convention for the dance steps, but this list will provide a sense of what is involved for each dance.

We hope this list will help you understand what the different ballroom dances are about

and perhaps encourage you to develop your dance repertoire and your own figures.


CHA CHA dance step syllabus: bronze, silver, and gold-level

FOXTROT dance step syllabus: bronze, silver, and gold-level

RUMBA dance step syllabus: bronze, silver, and gold-level

TANGO dance step syllabus: bronze, silver, and gold-level

WALTZ dance step syllabus: bronze, silver, and gold-level